Providing Unique Support for Unique Minds.
Through an uplifting approach to mental health recovery, we free minds; allowing people to live the best life they can, with, or without, the symptoms of emotional distress.

Our Mission
We want people to like the way they think, again. For them to become reintroduced to how strong and resilient they are. To see that their own beautifully unique perspective on the world holds as much value as anyone else’s.

What does recovery mean to Moodswings? To us, recovery means living the best life we can, with, or without, the symptoms of emotional distress.
Recovery is like a sturdy stool with three legs.
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Our Mission
We want people to like the way they think, again. For them to become reintroduced to how strong and resilient they are. To see that their own beautifully unique perspective on the world holds as much value as anyone else’s.
What we want to achieveMeet the team dedicated to delivering a personalised approach to mental health recovery. Don't worry, we don't bite.

How To Find Us
First time paying us a visit? Don’t worry if you lose your way, use this map to help find us.
Where are we?
Privacy Policy
Moodswings is committed to protecting your privacy. We use information about you to enable us to provide safe and effective services, meeting your needs and the needs of the community we serve. This policy sets out how we will use your personal data.